Installing Apache Traffic Server 3.0.1 on Centos 5.7

A quick chronicle of my journey to install Apache Traffic Servers on Centos 5.7. In the end it ended up being a lot easier than I was expecting, given how sporadic and incomplete the documentation on their site is.

Start with a vanilla minimal install of Centos 5.7. I did perform a yum update & reboot after the initial installation of the OS, before starting with installing ATS

Do the installation:

cd /tmp
yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ pcre pcre-devel tcl tcl-devel openssl-devel expat-devel
tar -jxvf trafficserver-3.0.1.tar.bz2
cd /tmp/trafficserver-3.0.1
./configure --prefix=/opt/trafficserver
make install

At this point it was installed for me, however I ran into one really boneheaded mistake. Mostly my own fault, but the documentation in the getting started guide is misleading as well. From this page it says:

#. Log on to the Traffic Server node as the Traffic Server administrator and navigate to the Traffic Server bin directory.

#. Enter the following command:


./trafficserver start

The problem is that start_traffic_server does not exist. Since I’m brand new to traffic server, I can’t be sure, but I suspect this is a relic from 2.x. The next challenge was running “./trafficserver start”. This gives the illusion that the server has started, but I ran into issues with traffic_line and traffic_shell errors. You can see the details of those errors in my semi-embarrassing forum post:

For those that want to cut to the chase, start traffic server with trafficserver start notice the omission of the underscore. Running this command also starts traffic_cop and traffic_manager. I ended up finding this by reading the INSTALL file that was included in the source download. Yes, I did read the file before attempting to install, but as I already admitted, glossed right over the closely named file.

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