Cloud Zoom Is Blocking My Modal Dialog Box

The issue I was having is that the Cloud Zoom enhanced image was being displayed in front of my drop down menu as well as my modal dialog box. At first I had only noticed the issue on the drop menu, and was having a hard time figuring out what was going on, and thought perhaps I had done something wrong on the superfish menu. Once I noticed it was also affecting my modal dialog, I became suspicious of cloud zoom.

  • I’ve got a page that is using a few different jQuery dependent features/functions.
  • I’m using the superfish drop down menu
  • I’m also using the jQuery UI Dialog for a modal dialog box
  • And finally, I’m using Cloud Zoom for some image excitement

I went through and tried a few different things, and finally just disabled cloud zoom. At that point my drop down menu was now correctly displayed over top of the image. I spent some time looking through the cloud-zoom site with no luck. I spent quite a bit of time googling with no luck.

I turned my attention to the jQuery UI documentation for anything that might be a clue. I was reading through the various options and came upon the zIndex option. I had no idea what zIndex was (I am no jQuery expert). Long story short, I finally got to this article: So I randomly picked a stupid high zIndex (100,000), and sure enough it worked! So the question of the day is WHY? and what is the value of zIndex I need to use? Well on a hunch I started digging through the cloud zoom javascript and found line 350::

  $(this).wrap('<div id="wrap" style="top:0px;z-index:9999;position:relative;"></div>');

So Cloud Zoom is using 9999. Any other components that has a z-index lower than that will be displayed behind my images. So of course, I put this to the test. I set my z-index to 10,000 on my menu and 10,001 on my modal dialog.

A quick refresh and everything is working perfect!. zIndex… who knew…

In case you are wondering, yes I did test an iteration with the index of the menu and modal dialog set to be lower than 9999 and as expected they were hidden by the cloud zoom image.

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