Sphinx With External Image Annoyance

So today I was trying to clean up some of my Sphinx build warnings when rendering this site. I got everything fixed so I had no errors or warnings except for this little guy right here (truncated for easier reading):

~/dpetzel.info.tinkerer/2011/12/16/developing_a_command_parser_based_zenpack.rst:328: WARNING: nonlocal image URI found: https://external.domain/image.png

I know I’m linking to an external image. I don’t want to store my binary images in my Github repo .

I search google for a bit and couldn’t find anything. This was so annoying!! I don’t want these warnings every build to numb me to real warnings so I I wanted to suppress them.

Well, since this is just Python lets get to work

$ grep -Rn "nonlocal image URI found" ~/virtualenvs/tinkerer/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
/home/dave/virtualenvs/tinkerer/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/environment.py:779:                self.warn_node('nonlocal image URI found: %s' % imguri, node)

So I edited line 779 in the file from:

    if imguri.find('://') != -1:
        self.warn_node('nonlocal image URI found: %s' % imguri, node)
        candidates['?'] = imguri

to end up with: {% highlight python %} if imguri.find(’://‘) != -1: # self.warn_node(‘nonlocal image URI found: %s’ % imguri, node) candidates[‘?’] = imguri continue {% endhighlight %}

Voila! No more warning for external images. If anyone knows the right way to suppress these warnings (Yes I’ve read all the reasons why you shouldn’t) please let me know.

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