Adventures in Django Performance Analysis

Nothing to eye opening here but I wanted to collect some thoughts and insights I had this week. While I’m more of an operations guy, a while back I hacked up a Django based web application which uses Celery and RabbitMQ. I have recent set out to do some performance analysis on it.

Its not an application that sees much traffic as it was created to serve a niche internal purpose, but it does handle web requests which result in potentially long running background tasks.

There are a few pages and process that are painfully slow. So this week I set out to improve some of slower components of the application. I felt like I had a pretty good idea of what sucked and why but I wanted to gather some metrics first so I could understand if the changes I was going to make were the right changes to make. As of today, I’ve not made any code changes to improve performance, but I wanted to collect my observations after having adding some instrumentation.

New Relic Integration

At work New Relic has been getting a lot of buzz for the magic it works on Java based applications. I was aware they had some Python integration, but up until this week I had not looked too closely at it. To be fair I still don’t think I’ve spent enough time reading all their documentation to fully appreciate all they have to offer, as I was pretty focused on integration with my Django application.

The first thing I noticed was my «google-foo» was failing on producing anything useful. I got as far as which is a great marketing page, but I needed the technical know-how on how to hook things up. (I’m a New Relic noob all the way around). What I thought was interesting here is once I did find their documentation it was tremendous, so it was odd that my searches had been coming up so dry…

I read through the bits and pieces on I was starting to get pretty excited as this looked like it was going to be really easy. seemed to have all the key pieces I needed, so I got to work.

I run my application under a virtualenv so I added newrelic to my requirements.txt and ran a quick pip install -r requirements.txt. The package was installed without any issues. No crazy dependencies and no compile errors (which are all to uncommon when installing packages with pip).

Next up for me was getting the agent registered with my web server (Apache running mod_wsgi). They offer several ways of doing doing things, but I settled on the Manual integration with code approach. So I added the following to my wsgi script:

    import newrelic.agent
        nr_conf = os.path.join(project_folder, "conf", "newrelic-django.conf")
    except newrelic.api.exceptions.ConfigurationError:
        logger.warn("Failed loading New Relic config: {0}".format(nr_conf))
except ImportError:
    logger.error("Failed to import newrelic agent")

This deviates just a touch from their example so let me explain the key pieces here. project_folder is a variable that was already in my wsgi_script and is simply the path to where all my code lives. I’m storing the newrelic-django.conf in a conf sub-folder. The examples on the New Relic site worked, but for me I wanted to be sure that if anything was wrong with the agent or the configuration file it wouldn’t hinder my apps ability to start. As a result I wrapped their example with some try/except blocks and logging.

About 2-3 minutes after restarting Apache on my local development VM where I was testing this, I started seeing very detailed statistics in New Relic. I was in awe for several minutes at the insane level of detail they were able to collect including database query times and mapping out my downstream dependencies. It was truly amazing!

I did however notice that none of my Celery tasks were getting any information. I did recall I had read that had to be handle separately. So this lead me to I’m running Celery under runit so I had to update my run script. In the process I learned a little more about runit and environment variables (I’m still pretty new to using runit). is where they discuss this but for me it was not immediately clear. Here is what I did:

  1. create a new directory in the same directory as my run script. I named it env
  2. In my env directory I created a file called NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE.
  3. I populated env/NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE with the path to my configuration file.

So now when runit kicks off my celeryd process it will have the proper environment variable set.

So now it was time to update my run script. Here is what it looked like before:

exec /usr/bin/env chpst -u myapps_user \
  path_to_virtualenv/bin/python \
  path_to_my_code/ \

And here is what it looked like after. As you can see not all that different:

	exec /usr/bin/env chpst -e env -u myapps_user \
	  path_to_virtualenv/bin/python \
	  path_to_virtualenv/bin/newrelic-admin run-program \
	  path_to_virtualenv/bin/python \
	  path_to_my_code/ \

Restarted my service and sure enough in just a minute or two I had stats showing up in New Relic. I will say it didn’t have quite the awe inspiring level of detail that the web application had, but still pretty awesome for making 0 code changes, and simply starting up using their wrapper.

That was it, up and running in about about 1.5 hours including time to read the documentation. Lets ship it!!.

I rolled out my updated code to QA and started seeing nothing. WTF…. Trolling through the logs I found this:

newrelic.core.data_collector WARNING - Data collector is not contactable via the proxy host 'myproxyhost' on port 8080 with proxy user of None. This can be because of a network issue or because of the data collector being restarted. In the event that contact cannot be made after a period of time then please report this problem to New Relic support for further investigation. The error raised was SSLError(SSLError(SSLError('_ssl.c:489: The handshake operation timed out',),),).

Now I was prepared a bit for this as I knew I’d be running behind a proxy server so I had planned for this and included proxy configuration in my configuration INI file. Assuming I had done something wrong I reviewed the proxy related information in Everything looked correct. Typical debugging ensues without any luck. So I start hacking a ton of debugging output into their agent code and learned that the HTTP end point I’m failing on is Using curl from the command line I’m able to confirm proxy connectivity is working. Several more WTF’s follow.. While I don’t pretend to fully understand all the moving pieces I was able to see their agent is using the requests library and the dictionary they were passing for proxies looked different than the examples on the requests site <>.

The newrelic agent was using {'https': 'myproxyhost:8080'}, however requests shows it as {'https': 'http://myproxyhost:8080'}

Here is how I had my agent INI originally:

 proxy_host = myproxyhost
 proxy_port = 8080

So I changed it to this:

proxy_host = http://myproxyhost
proxy_port = 8080

After a restart everything was working fine and I was seeing stats from my nodes behind my proxy server. Success!!. While I think this is actually a bug in their agent code, I was happy to see I would work around it with a configuration change.

Memcached Vs Locmem

I’ve got a few instances of my application running and early on I had added some very basic caching. Early on there was only a single instance so I thought I was doing myself a favor by keeping things simple and using the locmem cache backend. When the time came to scale up to more instances I knew this was not the best approach as cache was not being shared across instances and if wanted to run with multiple Apache processes those processes, even though there under the same instance of Apache, were not actually sharing cache. I should note that the reason for adding more instances wasn’t load related, but simply to avoid having a single point of failure. So at that time I didn’t explore switching to Memcached as I didn’t really want to change anything, I just wanted more instances to avoid the SPF.

Fast-forward and I figured since I’m focused on the subject let me eliminate what I know is an inefficiency and switch to Memcached so all my instances are now sharing cache. Since I had recently hooked up New Relic I had some really great statistics. I could see, on average, one of the more frequent pages of the application were taking about 2 seconds (horrible I know.. I knew it was slow, but was ashamed when I saw just how slow it really was). So I updated my configuration to use a remote (not on the same box) Memcached cluster. I didn’t make any other changes to code or configuration, yet as soon as I rolled out I saw an average of about 700ms reduction in response time. That warrants repeating…. Doing nothing except changing from locmem to Memcached resulted in around 700ms of reduced page load time.

I am not suggesting that locmem is bad. In fact, when I first implemented it made a pretty large improvement, but it was very interesting see to how much of an improvement Memcached made, considering we were going from in process cache to an external (across the network) cache. My take away from this was that there are cases were a remote cache can actually be more beneficial than a local cache, if your sharing information across many instances.

Celery apply vs apply_async

The last thing I poked at this week was usage of Celery’s apply() method vs apply_aysync. For those that don’t know the difference, apply_async will drop a message onto the queue and wait for celeryd to process it asynchronously. Using apply() is defined as:

Execute this task locally, by blocking until the task returns

I was curious what sort of overhead was involved in the process of dropping the message onto the queue. I created a task that did no actual work:

from celery.task import task

def test_task():

After that I timed the calls to both apply() and apply_aysync. On my system, where RabbitMQ is running on the same box (so no network hops involved in this test), apply() would run the task in about 3-4ms while apply_aysync ranged between 13-16ms with occasional anomalies of 30-34ms.

For my purposes this is plenty fast enough, but I was a little surprised to see that level of overhead.


In summary, it was an interesting set of exercises and for the most part confirmed many of my suspicions, but its nice to finally have some real metrics around this. Now that I’m measuring all this great stuff its time to start improving it!

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